Append Multiple Fields Cloud Action Documentation

Table of Contents


There are situations where you need to append two or more contact fields. This simple step is not that simple or even possible using Eloqua’s out-of-the-box features. This is where this cloud action comes into play. With Append Fields you can append the values of two contact fields, use a custom “joint” and put the resulting value on the field you want.

This document will show how this Cloud Action can be used inside Campaign Canvas.

Set-up in Eloqua

Please follow these instructions to set up this cloud app in your Oracle Eloqua instance.

  • Log in to Oracle Eloqua.
  • Click on Get App below to install.

Get app

     NOTE: If prompted to log again, please do so.

  •  In the next screen, click “Sign In” and then “Accept”

  • In the next screen, click “Sign In”

  • You’re all set. The cloud action is ready to be used.

How to use

The following instructions show a basic/simple usage.  You can incorporate this Cloud Action to any existing CO program.

  • Create/Open a CO
  • Look for “Actions” on the left side bar (2.2.1). Locate the “Append Multiple Fields” cloud action in the sidebar (2.2.2). Use the search box on the top if needed (2.2.3)

  • Drag and drop the cloud action to the canvas area. Connect the corresponding elements to the dropped cloud action

  • Double click the Append Multiple Fields step, you will see some options for this element.
    • Rename the step if needed 

  • Click the pencil icon to open the settings for this step.

You will need a user to log in and configure this Cloud Action. If you don’t have one, you can create one. If you do, use your user to Log In in the page shown in the following screenshot:

  • Choose the field in which the resulting value will be stored, the string between field values, and the first field you want appended (any field you choose to append can also be the resulting field).  Then click ‘Add Mapping ’

  • You will see the results in the Fields section, showing which field(s) will be appended together.  Continue adding fields until all appended fields have been selected

When you’re done setting up the fields, click “Save Settings”.

  • If you have done changes and you want to go back to the initial values, use the “Revert Changes” button.
  • Recommended: Create an element in the campaign in case an error happens. Check the box to “Automatically route contacts with errors from cloud app”, select the step to which you want the contacts to be routed.
  • That’s all. Activate the program, put some CO records in it and see the Append Fields in Action!

License Information

You need a license to configure and execute this Cloud App. If you don’t have a license, an error message will appear on the configuration page.

If you don’t see CO Records being processed by the app, it may be because your license is missing or expired. To obtain a license, contact your account manager or contact us.

  • Each Eloqua instance requires a separate cloud app license.
  • Each cloud app license includes a reasonable usage limitation of 250k records processed daily and up to 5 app instantiations per Eloqua instance. Higher usage tiers are available at extra cost.
  • For additional license details, please review the Cloud Services User License Agreement.

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