The Email Related Contact Cloud App: An Overview

email related contact cloud app

Email Related Contact Cloud App

The Email Related Contact Cloud App solves an age-old challenge every Eloqua marketer has heard from Sales at least once, especially after launching a new email campaign.

“Next time, could you please include me when you send an email to my accounts? It will help me prepare to answer any follow-up questions I might receive.” 

Score One for Marketing! This is precisely the behavior you want: an email that results in an account calling to their salesperson, and moving them one step further down the funnel.  However, Oracle Eloqua does not offer a solution.  At 4Thought Marketing, we hear this request all the time, and so we created an Eloqua Cloud App that provides a quick, convenient solution to send a carbon copy email.

Introducing the Email Related Contact Cloud App

The Email Related Contact Cloud App is an Action that works on either the campaign or contact program canvas.  It retrieves the account owner or other related contact’s email address and sends it to the related contact feeder running on the same canvas.  When your campaign runs, the Salesperson will also receive a copy of the email*. Other uses include subscribing related contacts to a group or adding them to a shared list. 

Watch a 2-minute demo

Want to see even more, watch our 2-minute demo:

Using the Email Related Contact Cloud App on the campaign canvas

Let’s take a look at an example using the campaign canvas.  Here are the steps:

  • Select your Segment
  • Add both the Export Related Contacts and Import Related Contacts actions to your campaign canvas, as shown below:
The Email Related Contact Cloud App: An Overview 6

Next, configure the Email Related Contact app:

  • Select the field containing the related contact’s email address
  • Select the Feeder Step for import related contacts
The Email Related Contact Cloud App: An Overview 7
The Email Related Contact Cloud App: An Overview 8

Now when you activate this campaign, the account owner will also receive one copy of the email for each included account.*

Subscribing Related Contacts using contact program

Another use case is subscribing account owners to Eloqua Groups used for newsletters or similar communication. You can automate this using a contact program:

  • Select your segment
  • Add the Export Related Contacts and Import Related Contact actions to your canvas, as shown below:
The Email Related Contact Cloud App: An Overview 9

Next, configure the Related Contacts to Campaign Cloud App:

  • Select the field containing the related contact’s email address
  • Select the Feeder Step for import related contacts
The Email Related Contact Cloud App: An Overview 10

These are just two examples of how the Email Related Contact Cloud App works.

Contact Us if you would like to learn more or purchase the Email Related Contact Cloud App. 

Need help with your campaigns, experiencing staffing, or bandwidth issues?  Let our campaign services team help you.


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