Tag: eloqua marketing

eloqua marketing campaign checklist

The Essential Eloqua Marketing Campaign Checklist

There is, unfortunately, no “silver bullet” that makes a marketing campaign a massive success every time. However, there are a few steps you can take to give yourself a better chance. For Eloqua users, one of the most essential steps is to create a marketing campaign checklist to follow during development.

eloqua job titles

Unlocking Job Function & Level from Job Titles in Eloqua

Eloqua users generally have very little trouble populating Job Title fields. ButJob Function or Job Level present a bit of a challenge. Check out this excerpt from our January 2024 Eloqua Office Hours session for a quick demo of the solution.

eloqua engage

Eloqua Engage: A Powerful Sales Tool for B2B Teams

Any marketer knows the value of personalized emails to draw customers in. However, since creating a new email for each contact individually consumes valuable time, the team needs a set of templates to work from. Eloqua users can turn to a powerful tool for help with this: Eloqua Engage.