Mass CO Deleter Cloud App Documentation


There are situations where you might need to delete Custom Data Object Records (CO Records) in Eloqua for analysis or clean-up purposes. That’s where this app comes into play; the Mass CO Deleter deletes all CO records for all CO sets that are linked to a specific contact. This document will show how this Cloud Action can be used inside Oracle Eloqua.

Set-up in Oracle Eloqua

Please follow these instructions to set up this cloud app in your Oracle Eloqua instance.

  • Log in to Oracle Eloqua.
  • Click on Get App below to install.

        NOTE: If prompted to log again, please do so.

  •  In the next screen, click “Sign In” and then “Accept”
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  • In the next screen, click “Sign In” and then “Accept”
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  • You’re all set. The cloud app is ready to be used
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How to use

  • Create/ Open a Contact Program Canvas by going to Orchestration and Programs.
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  • Click on “Program Steps” on the top left side to show all steps and then locate the “Mass CO Deleter” Cloud Action under the Actions options (colored in purple).
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  • Drag and drop the cloud action to the canvas area. Connect the corresponding elements to the dropped cloud action
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  • Configure a retry step as a preventive measure
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  • Click the Mass CO Deleter and rename the step if needed
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  • Click the pencil icon to open the settings for this step.

You will need a user to log in and configure this Cloud Action. If you don’t have one, you can create one. If you do, use your user to login into the page shown in the following screenshot:

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  • Configure the Cloud App
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A few things to note while configuring the Cloud App:

  • Select the options you require:
    • Remove all mapped CO records
    • Remove all unmapped CO records (requires an Email Address field with a matching value in the CO)
  • To exclude specific Custom Objects, select them from the drop-down and click add
  • Select Bulk Mode only if you’re processing more than 5,000 records at a time
  • The ‘Logs’ Tab is pretty self-explanatory as shown in the snapshot below:
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That’s all, Save the Program, add contacts to the program and see the Mass CO Deleter in Action!

License Information

You need a license to configure and execute this Cloud App. Otherwise in the configuration page you will see the following error:

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Additionally, if you happen to see records stuck in the Cloud Action step, it may be due to a missing or expired License which you can get with your corresponding Account Manager.