Category: Marketing

marketing quality assurance

Getting Started with Advanced Marketing Quality Assurance

Quality assurance doesn’t start when the email is finished. Effective QA begins along with the campaign design itself to catch any errors before they can cause trouble. Watch as Dharam Singh explains why these checks matter and how to take your QA to the next level in your future campaigns.

ai in marketing

Leveraging AI in Marketing to Enhance Customer Experience

AI has firmly cemented itself into the marketing world. Everyone knows about it, and most people are excited to use it. But this raises a question: what exactly can AI do? And more importantly, what’s the best way to use it in your particular company?

pause marketing campaigns

Marketing During Disasters: When Pausing is the Best Strategy

How a company handles a crisis can make a world of difference, and not all circumstances can be mitigated by using light-hearted humor. Sometimes, pausing a marketing campaign is the most appropriate response. Let’s look at a few examples of these circumstances.

batch and blast

Leaving Batch and Blast Behind: 11 Essential Steps

Simply knowing that personalized messages perform better is just the first step in effective marketing. The real challenge comes when making the transition from the low-performing but easy batch and blast strategy to more demanding personalized campaigns.

google third party cookies

Google’s Holding onto Third-Party Cookies—For Now

In a surprising move, Google recently announced its decision to delay the elimination of third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. This represents a significant pivot from its previous stance. This shift has created a buzz in the marketing world, where anticipation of a cookie-less future has driven many recent strategies.

5 Steps of a Successful Customer Retargeting Campaign

Every marketer’s goal should be to keep website visitors engaged and encourage them to return to learn more. But they may not return right away, so you need to give them gentle encouragement through multiple touches to do so. This is where retargeting campaigns can help.