4Thought Marketing Blog

4Thought Marketing Blog 5

What is an Opt-In Email Series?

Savvy marketers understand the need to take full advantage of email marketing. But as those same savvy marketers know by now, simply sending out a mass campaign of identical emails doesn’t work. 

4Thought Marketing Blog 9

The 7 Must-Have Partner Apps for Oracle Eloqua

Oracle Eloqua users should be quite familiar with the wide variety of built-in functions this marketing software offers. But it’s possible to expand both the value and functionality of Eloqua to improve your marketing strategy even further. 

4Thought Marketing Blog 11

Improving Email Image Quality on Retina Displays

Apple introduced Retina displays in 2010. Retina displays use twice as many pixels as standard displays, which can mean that an image that looks fine on a standard screen might look blurry or even pixelated on a retina display.