Category: Marketing Automation

Improve Data Quality with Upload Wizard

You cannot accurately target and personalize your campaigns without complete and accurate data.  You can dramatically improve data quality by eliminating dirty data before it enters your system.

Improve your Eloqua Data

Because data comes from a wide variety of sources including Form Submissions, Lists, and other systems, sometimes, the data is not in the format you want or need. Just how do you improve your Eloqua data?

One Word That Kills Your Email Marketing

It doesn’t matter about your fabulous product. Your inspiring content is all for naught. Brilliantly creative marketing campaigns go unappreciated. All because of one fateful word.

Feed Eloqua Programs More Frequently

Instead of once a day, our Feeder cloud apps can run every few minutes. They are simple to use, but give you the power to fully use the Programs as you want and need.

Deleting Eloqua Contacts: When, Why, & How

Over time, many contact records are created, and not all contacts are created equally. Oracle charges per contact, so deleting Eloqua contacts that you never use from your list is a good financial strategy.