Manipulating data in Oracle Eloqua Custom Objects

In a recent blog post, we discussed the amazing power behind Oracle Eloqua Custom Objects (COs – also known from their legacy name initials as CDOs).  As an Oracle Partner, we often are asked what can be done with the data in COs.  Unfortunately, the answer is very little when you look at out-of-the-box functionality within Oracle Eloqua.

With the new Program Canvas, you have the ability to add CO records to a program and perform a limited number of decisions or actions on the data.  You can compare the value in a single field to create a decision tree; you can perform some basic update rules; and you can now delete a CO record.  But we have found that Oracle Eloqua users are very creative, and want to use COs in a wider range of functions.

Some examples we have come across lately include:

  • Perform arithmetic calculations on fields within a record, or across records
  • Compare the value of two different fields within a record, or again, across records
  • Update fields on linked Contact records from data in a CO record
  • Update fields in a CO record from linked Contact records
  • Lookup data in a CO and match it to Contact record data to determine the correct sales rep
  • Append values from different fields within a record, or, of course, across records
  • Perform a wide variety of date filters and manipulations, such as:
    • Find all records with a renewal before a certain date
    • Find all records created in the past NN weeks
    • Add 2 weeks to a date field
    • And many more

The amount of data manipulation that is requested on CO data is endless.  As stated at the beginning of this blog post, Oracle Eloqua just does not have the functionality built into the system to meet these needs.

That’s where Cloud Actions, Cloud Decisions, Cloud Apps and Cloud Connectors come into play.  Using the development platforms and API capabilities provided by the Oracle Eloqua system, sharp developers can create apps that will perform these and many more functions.

At 4Thought Marketing we have built dozens of custom and product-worthy Cloud Apps to meet these needs.  If you have tried everything that Oracle Eloqua has provided, and still cannot meet your business goals, it’s probably worth a call to see what we can do for you.  We haven’t yet found a CO problem that we can’t solve.

We’d love to hear your ideas and help you make them a reality. Reach us at 888-ELOQUA4 (888-356-7824) or drop us an email at [email protected].


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