4Thought Marketing Blog

4Thought Marketing Blog 6

Elevate Your Marketing Strategy with Oracle Unity CDP and Eloqua

Elevate your marketing stack to new heights by integrating Oracle Unity CDP with Oracle Eloqua. In this webinar, learn how this powerful duo can supercharge your marketing efforts, offering a seamless, data-driven approach to customer engagement to maximize your marketing spend and drive measurable results.

marketing kpis

MQL & SQL: Two Key Marketing Metrics to Watch

Concrete data in the form of key performance indicators, or KPIs, is compelling evidence that your marketing team’s efforts are getting results. While it may seem like a daunting task to find the right KPIs to prove this, it’s far from impossible.

leverage customers

How to Leverage Customer Relationships for Increased Revenue

Companies that put all their money into advertising and sales may be missing a potentially valuable source of revenue. You have an additional option to maintain customer connections and increase sales: leveraging your relationship with existing customers.

marketing kpis

Do You Have the Right Marketing KPIs?

It’s easy to get focused on KPIs that are easy to gather and look great on paper but don’t really provide actionable insights. Here’s how to analyze your marketing KPIs in a meaningful way.

data quality data privacy

Data Quality & Privacy for Successful Marketing

Data quality is central to marketing’s ability to create targeted campaigns and personalized experiences. New privacy laws align well with marketing data collection practices. Let’s examine the relationship between marketing, data quality, and privacy.

eloqua engage

Eloqua Engage: A Powerful Sales Tool for B2B Teams

Any marketer knows the value of personalized emails to draw customers in. However, since creating a new email for each contact individually consumes valuable time, the team needs a set of templates to work from. Eloqua users can turn to a powerful tool for help with this: Eloqua Engage.