CO Date Calculator

Add or subtract days, weeks, months, or years in a date field and store the results in a custom object (CO) field in a CO program.

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Add or subtract days, weeks, months, or years in a date field and store the results in a custom object (CO) field in a CO program.

Key Benefits

  • Add or subtract a date field and store results in another CO field
  • Works with the Eloqua CO program canvas



  • Each Eloqua instance requires a separate cloud app license.
  • Each cloud app license includes a reasonable usage limitation of 250k records processed daily and up to 5 app instantiations per Eloqua instance. Higher usage tiers are available at extra cost.
  • For additional license details, please review the Cloud Services User License Agreement.


Add or subtract days, weeks, months, or years in a date field and store the results in a custom object (CO) field in a CO program.

Key Benefits

  • Add or subtract a date field and store results in another CO field
  • Works with the Eloqua CO program canvas



CO Date Calculator Cloud App Documentation


  • Each Eloqua instance requires a separate cloud app license.
  • Each cloud app license includes a reasonable usage limitation of 250k records processed daily and up to 5 app instantiations per Eloqua instance. Higher usage tiers are available at extra cost.
  • For additional license details, please review the Cloud Services User License Agreement.