Category: Eloqua

custom objects

Making the Most of Your Data: Putting Custom Objects to Work

Custom objects are a simple yet powerful part of Eloqua that can enhance the ways that you’re able to connect with your customers. While they may seem daunting if you have never worked with them, custom objects (often abbreviated as COs) can become your best friend as your marketing automation needs increase.

eloqua engage

Eloqua Engage: A Powerful Sales Tool for B2B Teams

Any marketer knows the value of personalized emails to draw customers in. However, since creating a new email for each contact individually consumes valuable time, the team needs a set of templates to work from. Eloqua users can turn to a powerful tool for help with this: Eloqua Engage.

eloqua integration

Eloqua Integration with CRM: Streamlining Marketing & Sales Efforts

What advantages does Eloqua integration offer? Integrating your Eloqua instance with CRM systems can help align marketing and sales teams, improve data accuracy, and enhance customer engagement, among many others. This article will explore the benefits of integrating Eloqua with CRM.

eloqua marketing campaign checklist

The Essential Eloqua Marketing Campaign Checklist

There is, unfortunately, no “silver bullet” that makes a marketing campaign a massive success every time. However, there are a few steps you can take to give yourself a better chance. For Eloqua users, one of the most essential steps is to create a marketing campaign checklist to follow during development.

eloqua training

Oracle Eloqua Training: 4 Options for Your Team

You can efficiently and effectively bring each new team member up to speed with excellent training options, even in a fast-paced environment. Streamline your process without sacrificing quality with these top-notch Oracle Eloqua training options.

eloqua training

Eloqua New User Training: An Overview

Onboarding a new Eloqua user requires sufficient time from an ever-increasing workload. Additionally, when staff turnover occurs, the process must be repeated, training new users as quickly and effectively as possible.