Category: Marketing Automation

3 Reasons To Delete Custom Objects in Eloqua

Why Would You Ever Delete Eloqua Custom Objects? Many Eloqua owners don’t actively manage their data until they have problems, especially with Custom Objects (CO). This article describes how to get ahead of the curve with COs and proactively manage your old and unneeded CO data using the CO Deleter Cloud App. You’re Up Against Eloqua’s Limit – Reason #1  When Eloqua starts generating errors or stops performing due to reaching system limits, this is

6 Guidelines for MQL to SQL Success

Sometimes the transition down the sales funnel can be a journey fraught with peril, and having a lead turn into an MQL doesn’t mean a marketer’s job is done. Fortunately, following a few simple guidelines can complete the job and help make the MQL to SQL transition much easier.

Who Owns Email Subscription Management?

Despite the social media tsunami of recent years, email is still the mainstay for most digital marketing campaigns. But in the new age of Customer Experience Management, it seems that email marketing hasn’t evolved to keep pace with spiraling customer expectations and legislative compliance.