New Regex and Count Custom Object Cloud Apps


Two new Eloqua Cloud Apps recently joined the 4Thought Marketing family. Custom Object Regex and Custom Object Count.  Let’s take a closer look at each of them.

CO Count Cloud App

Imagine your in a meeting with the product team discussing a new project.  They want to email customers about an upcoming change to their accounts.  And because they may have more than one account, they plan to include copy letting them know the change applies to “one or more of their accounts.” And then, near the end of the meeting, they ask:

“Instead of just mentioning one or more, could we include the actual number of accounts this applies to automatically?”

Yesterday, you responded that you could, but only if they provide the counts for each email so that you could upload the data into Eloqua.  Sadly, they state it won’t be possible given their tight schedule.

But today, your answer could be, “not a problem,” if you have the CO Count Cloud App from 4Thought Marketing.

Here’s how it works.

  • Create a new or select an existing contact field to hold the count total
  • Create a new custom object program and drop the CO Count Cloud App on to the program canvas
  • Configure CO Count to find the correct CO records and then specify the contact field to store the total.
  • Run your program

It couldn’t be any simpler to merge the total count of matching custom object records in emails and on landing pages.


CO Regex Cloud App

Ever needed to apply additional formatting to a custom object (CO) field?  Or split a value into multiple fields?  Or how about validating that a field value is in the correct form?

The new CO Regex Cloud App from 4Thought Marketing can do all three.

Let’s take a look at three specific examples:

Field Validation

The app can validate if a particular field must be in a specific format: Select the “Validate” option in the “Regular Expression Type” and select one field, which will be updated the True or False when a record is processed.

For example: the following regular expression validates that a text has the format of an email address: /^([^@s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i


The app can take the value from a field and split it into multiple fields using a Regular Expression.

For example: for a field that contains “10 cats, 20 dogs, 40 fish.” If you need to split based on the digits with the following expression D+: The result will be:

  1. 10 cats
  2. 20 dogs
  3. 40 fish


The app allows you to transform the value of a field and executes a Regex transformation.

For example: with the following regular expression: .*(snot).* if the field value is “My network does not work.” The result will be ” not”


Contact Us if you are interested in our Cloud Apps, or any of our other products and services.


About 4Thought Marketing

4Thought Marketing is a product innovator specializing in the Oracle Marketing Cloud. We help customers translate business objectives into strategies that produce results.  Our services include Marketing Automation and Compliance Consulting, Marketing Technology Best Practices, Oracle Eloqua Cloud Apps and Add-ons, Integrations, Campaign Services, Staff Augmentation, Data Management, and Eloqua Implementations.


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