One Word That Kills Your Email Marketing

One Word that Kills your Email Marketing 

One Word that Kills your Email Marketing

It doesn’t matter about your fabulous product. Your inspiring content is all for naught. Brilliantly creative marketing campaigns go unappreciated. All because of one fateful word.


It’s now mandatory in most regions to allow customers to easily opt out of your marketing communications. You might want to hide it way down at the bottom of the email in the smallest possible point-size, but it must be there.

Wouldn’t it be better if you addressed the root cause?

According to MarketingSherpa, the top two reasons why customers unsubscribe from emails are:

  1. Lack of Control – They receive too many emails, too frequently
  2. Lack of Relevance – They’re not interested in the subject and content

Consumers Take Control

Don’t get me wrong; a customer opting out can be a good thing. You want a high-quality audience to improve click-through and conversion rates. But often, your customers want your communications, but on their terms. By putting more control over contact preferences and topics of interest into your customers’ hands you can quickly address both core issues that lead to high unsubscribe rates.

Most opt-in questions I come across are clunky and simplistic. They’re often limited to “Yes. Please send me regular updates on products and offers.” And if you’re lucky, “Yes. Allow third-party partners to do the same.”

But if you consider the main reasons why customers unsubscribe, this level of simplicity has already sewn the seeds of discontent. There’s nothing about the preferred frequency of contact, the type of communication wanted, nor the subjects of interest to the recipient. Too many brands fail to ask these fundamental questions.

Your Subscription & Preference Portal

The future of customer experience (CX) is rooted in providing maximum personalization with minimum effort. To achieve this, savvy brands are increasingly investing in a central Subscription & Preference Portal that hands control back to the customer.

By allowing customers to quickly and easily tune their own preferences you can guarantee the relevance of your communications and increase the engagement rates of your email campaigns and content. It’s a win-win.

The good news is that you don’t need to start from scratch. At 4Thought Marketing we’ve built up a knowledgebase of best practices to assist B2B and B2C brands when designing and building their Subscription & Preference Portal.  Download our free white paper: Subscription Management in the Age of Customer Experience.


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