4Thought Marketing Blog


Proactive Data Management & Integrations: 4 Key Steps

Integrating different marketing platforms requires careful attention to your data. Poor data management can cause an integration to fail and make your job much more difficult. Today, we’ll be looking at a few reasons why integrations fail, and what you can do to avoid them.

ai audit

Is It Time for an AI Audit? Probably

AI in marketing comes with inherent risks still being uncovered. Companies that choose to take advantage of AI need to understand the impact it can truly have, both now and as the technology continues to evolve. One excellent way to start is an AI audit.

4Thought Marketing Blog 6

Why You Need to Keep Nurturing While Selling

Sales and marketing play different roles in the customer journey. But they truly shine when both can work together. How might this work in your organization? Let’s explore the best approach: nurturing while selling.

eloqua marketing campaign checklist

The Essential Eloqua Marketing Campaign Checklist

There is, unfortunately, no “silver bullet” that makes a marketing campaign a massive success every time. However, there are a few steps you can take to give yourself a better chance. For Eloqua users, one of the most essential steps is to create a marketing campaign checklist to follow during development.

systems integration

Why Systems Integrations aren’t Set-and-Forget

Integrations enable sales and marketing systems to work together seamlessly. And most of the time, they do just that. But nothing is static. This is why regularly auditing your software integrations is so important.

4Thought Marketing Blog 8

Optimize Email Campaigns with Our 12-Point Checklist

It’s every marketer’s dream to maintain an impressive email marketing ROI. But what happens when your existing strategies are falling short? In that case, it’s time to consider how to optimize email campaigns for your audience.

marketo drift integration

Improve Form Conversions with Marketo & Drift

The 4Thought Marketing team has helped multiple companies improve their marketing strategies and technology. Recently, we were able to do something particularly interesting with a client: getting the most value out of their AI-chat tool, Drift.