Tag: data privacy

building a privacy first marketing culture

Building A Privacy-First Marketing Culture

Master privacy first marketing. Balance compliance and trust. Explore GDPR, CCPA, and ethical data use. Learn value exchange, secure data practices, and build lasting customer relationships. 4thought Marketing guides your privacy journey.

privacy fatigue

6 Ways Marketers Can Combat Organizational Privacy Fatigue

Whether a company is setting up a baseline privacy program or needs to update an existing one, it’s easy to feel inundated by the sheer number of laws that need to be addressed. It’s a phenomenon so common that it even has a nickname: “privacy fatigue”.

Eloqua Office Hours August 2024

Oracle Eloqua tips and tricks and best practices. This month’s topics ranged from attribution to streamlining repetitive processes, unusual open rates due to spam and link checkers, and data privacy.

ai audit

Is It Time for an AI Audit? Probably

AI in marketing comes with inherent risks still being uncovered. Companies that choose to take advantage of AI need to understand the impact it can truly have, both now and as the technology continues to evolve. One excellent way to start is an AI audit.

data steward

15 Ways a Data Steward Improves Marketing

Marketers are accustomed to handling and manipulating large amounts of vital data. But in the day-to-day process, it can be easy to forget that this data and integrations need regular check-ups. This, simply put, is the role of a data steward.

data quality data privacy

Data Quality & Privacy for Successful Marketing

Data quality is central to marketing’s ability to create targeted campaigns and personalized experiences. New privacy laws align well with marketing data collection practices. Let’s examine the relationship between marketing, data quality, and privacy.