Tag: data privacy

data steward

15 Ways a Data Steward Improves Marketing

Marketers are accustomed to handling and manipulating large amounts of vital data. But in the day-to-day process, it can be easy to forget that this data and integrations need regular check-ups. This, simply put, is the role of a data steward.

data quality data privacy

Data Quality & Privacy for Successful Marketing

Data quality is central to marketing’s ability to create targeted campaigns and personalized experiences. New privacy laws align well with marketing data collection practices. Let’s examine the relationship between marketing, data quality, and privacy.

data segmentation for privacy

Data Segmentation for Privacy & Effective Marketing

Data segmentation, the process of grouping customers based on interests and past activities, allows marketers to develop more targeted promotional materials. However, data segmentation is also useful for data privacy. Let’s take a look at how that works.

data minimization

Marketing’s Path to Data Minimization

Customers aren’t always willing to provide personal data, especially if there seems to be no good reason for them to share it. This kind of consumer behavior prompted marketers to adopt a new habit: data minimization.

data hoarding

Data Hoarding & Data Privacy

Humans love to collect things. But in the corporate world, the most prevalent kind of collecting—data hoarding—is far from innocent and can leave your company vulnerable to data breaches, fines, or worse.