Do You Have the Right Marketing KPIs?

marketing kpis

Marketing key performance indicators, or KPIs, are a critical part of any marketing strategy. These numbers tell you at a glance what’s working and what needs improvement.

Unfortunately, it’s too easy to get focused on KPIs that are easy to gather and look great on paper but don’t really provide actionable insights. Improved email open rates make it seem like your campaigns are paying off, but if you can’t connect them to increased profits, you only have numbers.

But your marketing KPIs can do so much more. In this eBook, we’ll examine:

  • The six KPIs you should prioritize
  • How to efficiently track them
  • What each of them means to your business
  • How to keep these important KPIs stable
  • And more!

Download and read our free eBook here.

marketing kpis

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