5 Eloqua Cloud Apps that Belong on Your Holiday Wishlist

eloqua cloud apps

If you’re an Eloqua user, you know just what it’s capable of. Eloqua makes marketing easy for busy professionals. Whether you want to improve your social media promotions, email campaigns, or something else entirely, Eloqua has you covered.

But avid users of Eloqua also know that from time to time, you need an add-on for particular tasks. That’s where 4Thought Marketing’s suite of Eloqua Cloud Apps comes in. Our Cloud Apps are designed to expand Eloqua’s existing functionality and streamline your marketing tasks more than ever. And what better time to treat yourself (or your marketing team) to new Eloqua Cloud Apps than the holiday season? Here are a few of our favorites that our clients particularly like.

Contact Garbage Indicator

Customers don’t always provide valid contact information when signing up for services. To avoid being contacted, they may input an incorrect email address or phone number, or even a fake name. Some may genuinely make a typo or enter the correct information in the wrong field, confusing the system. Whatever the case, the result is “dirty data” that just takes up space in your Eloqua instance and requires a lot of time to manually sort from the usable information.

The Contact Garbage Indicator Cloud App can save your team a lot of time filtering out unusable data. This app examines every contact added to Eloqua and singles out any that appear illegitimate. A member of your team can then review the filtered data to ensure there are no false positives. After this review, the app deletes all the unusable data in its store and continues monitoring incoming information. This Cloud App is both a massive timesaver and an excellent way to streamline the data review process!

Contact Deleter

Maybe dirty data has previously made it through your review and into your Eloqua instance. Maybe some of your customers’ consent has expired, or they’ve abandoned the email address they previously gave you. Whatever the case, it’s time to delete their contact records in Eloqua.

The Contact Deleter Cloud App does exactly what its name implies—it deletes Eloqua contacts routed into it. (The contacts are saved temporarily in an archive to prevent accidentally deleting valid records.) Using this app regularly allows you to purge any bad data that’s gotten in. More importantly, it ensures that your sales team won’t waste time reaching out to contacts who are no longer interested. It also prevents you from paying for additional Eloqua contacts you aren’t using. This app is a must-have for Eloqua users who deal with a lot of incoming data!

Contact Cloud Feeder

By default, the Eloqua program canvas checks once per day for any new contacts. This typically works just fine. But for businesses that receive dozens of leads per day, or companies where a quick follow-up with customers is essential, more frequent checks would help a lot.

Fortunately, you can turn to the Contact Cloud Feeder Cloud App. This app allows your team to have the Eloqua program canvas check for new contacts multiple times per day. (One client of ours has it set to check every five minutes!) You can also specify segments or shared filters to assign new contacts to the right canvas. If you need to process as many new leads as possible, as quickly as possible, the Contact Cloud Feeder Cloud App is an excellent tool.

eloqua cloud apps

Upload Wizard

Eloqua’s default list upload feature can accept data that conforms to a variety of data standards, and in a variety of file formats. This can make data standardization tricky. Without a built-in way to ensure that all imported data follows your company’s standards, your team has to spend valuable time manually editing the data themselves before importing.

With the Upload Wizard Cloud App, none of that manual work is necessary. The Upload Wizard is designed to handle massive amounts of data at once and to quickly identify and fix errors in uploaded data. Your team can configure the app to ensure that all imported data matches your company data standards. Best of all, the app requires no specific Eloqua training to use! New hires can take advantage of this Cloud App just like a more experienced employee.

Anonymous Campaign Attribution

Consumers spend a significant amount of time researching products and services long before making a purchase. As a result, most of your online traffic—social media views, website visits, and the like—is completely anonymous. Eloqua tracks this traffic as visitors but stores no data beyond that. These visitors only become known contacts when they submit a form on your website. Of course, this makes it difficult to know exactly how they found you and what drew them in.

The Anonymous Campaign Attribution Cloud App eliminates this guesswork. The Cloud App connects visitors’ campaign responses to form submissions, giving you a more complete picture of the contact’s campaign engagement. This helps you more effectively measure your ROI and campaign effectiveness. In addition, it also tells you at a glance what campaigns aren’t yielding results and where to course-correct.

Happy Holidays!

Oracle Eloqua is already a powerful marketing automation platform on its own. But your marketing team might have a wishlist of Eloqua Cloud Apps that could make their jobs easier and your campaigns even more effective. Expand Eloqua’s functionality with our suite of Cloud Apps! Contact us today to learn more.


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